Friday, June 17, 2011

Meet the Social Media Fellows: Amanda Forsmark

Greetings from Saginaw, Michigan!

My name is Amanda Forsmark and I am the Health Educator for both Saginaw High and Arthur Hill SBHCs. As a recent college graduate, I am VERY familiar with the Social Media world. I have seen Facebook evolve from something that was just a basic profile and you had to have a college email to sign up (that’s how MY account was set up!!), to newsfeeds, fan pages, and the infamous “Like” button. I know personally what it is like to check Facebook more often than email, and to use Status Updates as a way to communicate my emotions, weekend plans, or share news with my network. I’ve Tweeted, texted, Liked, blogged, followed, shared, posted, changed relationship status, friend requested, and even blocked all in the name of social media.

Our health centers are in the process of developing Facebook pages for both sites, and I am very excited to be a part of this process. Our ultimate goal is to reach student through a channel that they use on a daily basis.

At the NASBHC Conference in Chicago, I will be taking different videos throughout the week and posting them to our social media sites. Some of these videos may include asking you how you are enjoying the conference, or something that you took away from a session. So, if you see me coming with the camera, don’t be shy! We’d love to hear from you!

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