Thursday, June 30, 2011

Convention Update from Linda Lam

How do we create a work environment that helps new staff at SBHC swim and not sink? Does this sound familiar to you and your organization - new staff orientation consist of attending a full day of lecture after lecture or given a 4 inch binder to read? Attending the “Creating a SBHC Welcome Wagon: Integrating New Staff into School Health” at the NASBHC convention was an interactive session that helped participants like me continue to build a better orientation and on-boarding for new staff. We know how important the work we do at SBHCs are and we need more people to join this movement and stay in it.

As the workshop presenters discussed, we are so eager and in need of the new staff to start in the health center right away that sometimes we breeze through the orientation and training. It’s challenging for new staff since they have to learn about the workings of the sponsoring organization and the school system! The presenters guided participants through activities where we discussed our own goals and objectives for SBHC orientation, breaking down acronyms, creating a School Checklist tour where either new staff can do as a scavenger hunt, guided by another staff or on their own, and evaluation with the new staff to see what else she/he felt was missing. The presenters also discussed incorporating Adult Learning Theory and avoiding the “banking” method of just giving information as Paolo Friere discussed. Other ways to support new staff was providing her/him with a buddy who could show them the ropes in the day to day work and/or a mentor who can show her/him how the organization work upwards.

I hope you get to check out the powerpoint that will be posted on NASBHC’s website! I know I will be definitely be adding some of the aspects discussed to Asian Pacific Health Care Venture’s SBHC orientation!

Linda Lam

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